10 Surprising Habits That Rob You of Happiness

Desert woman thirsty dehydrated in Death Valley. Dehydration,

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4. Obsessing about your looks

Your body is just clothing for the real you. It’s a temporary vessel that carries something priceless. Now it does deserve respect, time, and TLC, but what it doesn’t deserve is your constant criticism.


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It’s been said that there is someone for everyone and that much is true. There are people who love vanilla, others who love cinnamon, and still others that go for mint. So if you aren’t someone’s mint, so what? You are probably someone’s perfect idea of cinnamon. Also, consider this, much of what you look like, and your shape, come from genetics that you can’t change.

So stop hating your hair, your lips, and your hips. You are what you are; what’s wrong with that?

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