10 Terrific Tips To Stop Those Junk Food Cravings

Diet Woman Kicking Donut Snacks on White

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Are You a Creature of Habit?

Sometimes it’s not so much that you are having a food craving, but it’s more a matter of habit.

Your brain just love routine, it makes it feel comfortable. Trying to change that routine sometimes causes you anxiety. So to break that cookie before bedtime habit, try a few habit breaking actions such as distracting yourself.

When you start thinking about that cookie, do something else, such as check your email or go for a quick walk. You could also try watching TV in a room that’s far away from the kitchen.

Or put a rubber band on your wrist and when you find yourself thinking about some junk food, snap that rubber band hard and say NO! outloud.

These techniques may sound overly simple, but they work!

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