10 Types of Headaches and What to do About Them

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Photo credit: bigstock

7. The OMG I need coffee headache

You know how these go. If you have ever had to make an emergency trip somewhere late at night or early in the morning, and you didn’t get to drink your usual 2.5 cups of coffee, right about lunchtime, you are going to have one heck of a headache. If for some reason you are somewhere that doesn’t have or sell coffee, try sodas. Not a great choice, but it beats the heck out of that killer lack of caffeine headaches. You could also try some tea, but check the label as many teas are decaffeinated.


8. Digestive disturbances

Chinese medicine will tell you that the head is a smaller version of the digestive system so when you have a headache; this actually means that there is something wrong with the overall health of your digestive system.

Some doctors believe that nutritional deficiencies, constipation, leaky gut, or hypoglycemia are all problems in the digestive system that can bring on headaches. Try eating high fiber foods, such as organic vegetables and fruits, and taking some probiotics and see if these help to eliminate your headaches.


9. Dental headaches

Sometimes it’s what’s going on inside our mouths that cause us to have headaches. Tooth decay, gum disease, infections, even loose fillings can all cause stress in the lower jaw that reduces the flow of blood to your brain.  When you restrict the flow of blood, you cause blood vessels to constrict, which causes your pounding headache.

Some people have also found that the buildup of mercury in their bodies from their silver fillings causes a toxic reaction that result in headaches,

If you think dental problems might be your root cause, or if you have quite a few silver fillings, check with a biological dentist and have a full assessment.


10. Structural imbalances

When we lack a healthy musculoskeletal foundation, our body’s become susceptible to many different health factors including headaches, Things such as poor posture, wearing improper shoes, or traumatic injury to the body, such as from car accidents, can all lead to headaches.

Visit a chiropractor for a full evaluation if you feel that this might be the cause of your headache problems.

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