10 Ways You Weaken Your Immune System

happy or sad. what mood i have today

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. You Have a Negative Outlook on Life

Numerous studies show that those who think that their glass is half empty don’t live as long as those who think their glass is half full. When pessimists try to look for the silver lining in that dark cloud, they have less stress and better overall health.


SEE ALSO: How to Get a Super Strong Immune System Naturally


No one is saying that you shouldn’t be realistic. When things suck, it’s OK to say that. But also say that the bad times are temporary and look on the bright side as much as possible. Try writing down at least 5 good things that happened to you every night before you go to bed and be grateful when you wake up in the morning. This can help improve your T-cell count and pump up that immune system.





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