12 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Pineapples


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7.  Perfect For Dieters

If you are trying to drop a few pounds, pineapple can be your new best friend. Although it is very sweet, it is actually low in calories. One half cup of pineapple has a skinny little 58 calories. Its high fiber and water content will also keep you feeling full while satisfying your sweet tooth.


8.  Super Skin

Vitamin C is vital for repairing skin tissue and encouraging skin elasticity. Pineapple is full of skin-beautifying vitamin C! It is also loaded with antioxidants, which help to fight free radicals in the body that cause premature aging of the skin. So eat your way to beautiful skin by enjoying some fresh pineapple several times each week.


9.  Prevents High Blood Pressure

Regular consumption of sweet pineapple can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure. This fruit is high in potassium and low in sodium. Higher levels of potassium reduce the amount of salt in the body, which will help to lower blood pressure.

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