12 Best Herbs to Lower Cholesterol and Beat Heart Disease!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Ginger

Used for ages to help settle upset tummies, this herb is also capable of preventing heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. A stone done in 2010 that was designed to show the anti-hypercholesterolaemic effects of ginger on 48 rats, showed that ginger showed a significantly lowered level of lipid profile parameters at the 2 week mark and even more so at the 4 week mark. Consuming ginger tea daily and adding it to your meals can make a big difference in your overall cholesterol levels.


8. Alfalfa

You probably have heard that alfalfa supplement or drinks contain plenty of vital nutrients and minerals, but not many people are aware of the benefits alfalfa can have on their cholesterol levels. This herb has been clinically proven to be most effective in lowering LDL cholesterol in the body.  One study showed that consuming 40 grams of alfalfa three times each day had significant effects on LDL cholesterol levels, lowering them as much as 18 percent! Subjects who stopped consuming alfalfa after the test were found later to have resumed their normal cholesterol levels. This study has lead scientists to believe that something as simple as consuming alfalfa can be one of the easiest and most effective ways of stabilizing blood cholesterol levels. It’s thought that the saponins in alfalfa block the absorption of cholesterol as well as prevent its formation on the artery walls. Besides lowering LDL cholesterol levels, alfalfa was shown to have no effect on the good (HDL) cholesterol in the body.


9. Guggul

No, we did not misspell Google!  Guggul is a substance that is derived from the mukul myrrh tree that is indigenous to India. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine and stabilizes both the good and bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Research shows that guggul prevents the liver from releasing excessive amounts of LDL cholesterol into the blood stream. Research has also found that this herb positively affects thyroid function and increases bile acid production, which also has effects on overall cholesterol levels.

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