12 Foods That Make Counting Calories Obsolete (We Can’t Get Enough of #4!)

bean soup

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Bean Soup

Since soups have a high water content, they will naturally fill up your stomach without filling out your waistline! Bean soup contains a big dose of fiber as well as resistant starch, which is a good type of carbohydrate that slows the release of sugar into the blood. That is what keeps you feeling full for a long time. All of this goodness for a tiny 150 calories per cup! Add some vegetables into your bean soup and you have a winning lunch or dinner!


8. Kale

When speaking about nutritional density, kale is in a class by itself.  It has an incredible three to one carbohydrate to protein ratio- which is very high amount of protein for a vegetable. Kale contains all nine essential amino acids which are needed to form protein within the human body. Kale also has another nine non-essential amino acids, for a grand total of 18 amino acids. Kale is also rich in vitamins A, K1, and C, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Kale also contains a large list of minerals, including containing more calcium than milk. Add kale to your salads or bake them, and enjoy them like chips and salsa.


9. Liver

One of the most nutrient dense foods you can eat is liver form grass-fed, organic animals. Liver has the most concentrated source of vitamin A, as well as iron, copper, and folic acid. Just three ounces of beef liver has three times the amount of choline of one egg. Liver is a favorite among athletes as it has a type of “anti-fatigue” factor that scientists cannot fully explain. Try eating liver once or twice a week for some incredible nutrition.

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