12 Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Assorted Farm Fresh Onions On A Rustic Table

Photo credit: bigstock

4.  Onions

You might not think of the lowly onion as a way to help your diabetes, but it’s true. Onions have been used historically to treat diabetes throughout Europe and Asia.  Modern scientific studies have shown that onions lower blood sugar levels while protecting your heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Onions active ingredients come mainly from two compounds, sulfur compounds, which collectively are called allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and flavonoids such as quercetin. The sulfur compounds stop the liver from breaking down insulin and reduce the sugar levels in the blood. Several human studies that were uncontrolled and one double blind clinical trial have shown that eating large amount of onions can significantly lower the blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes. It’s interesting to note that onions do not reduce blood sugar levels in persons with normal blood sugar levels.  Put raw, organic onions on everything from salad to soup, eggs to stir fry and get the benefits they have to offer. Read about onions benefits.

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