12 Herbs To Strengthen Your Immune System Now (Before Flu Season Strikes!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Cat’s Claw

This plant, native to South and Central America, is known to have strong effects when it comes to improving the immune system. Both the bark and roots of this plant are known to contain oxindole alkaloids, which trigger the immune-boosting compounds in the body. The alkaloids in cat’s claw are believed to be capable of improving the ability of white blood cells in the body to engulf and then destroy pathogens. It’s most commonly consumed as a supplement, so take as directed. Meow!


SEE ALSO: 12 Top Foods That Boost the Immune System (#4 is Wicked Cool!)


11. Oregano

Mama Mia! Time to eat more Italian food!  Combined with sage and thyme, oregano is one of the most powerful herbs when it comes to improving the immune system. One study, using pigs, gave half of the subjects an oregano supplement, while the control group received none. Results showed the pigs who received oregano had increased levels of white blood cells when compared to the control group. Add oregano to all your favorite dishes or use oregano oil in your cooking. You can also consume it as a supplement.


12. Ginger

Ginger works like ginseng to provide multiple health benefits to the body and immune system. One study found that when lab animals were given ginger extracts, they had lower blood clotting abilities as well as lower cholesterol levels, Ginger, when consumed with turmeric, was found in one 2012 study to contain immune-stimulant compounds that modulated the  functions of mice with immunosuppressed macrophages. This means that consuming ginger, especially when taken in combination with turmeric, can go a long way toward defending the body against infection and even viruses.

All things considered, it only makes sense to consume more foods that strengthen and improve the immune system. This is a cost effective way to maintain good health and avoid unnecessary sick days. So here’s to your health this flu season!





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