12 Mind Blowing Foods That Can Hurt You If You Eat Too Much


Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Coffee

Coffee itself isn’t really the problem. This beverage is loaded with healthy antioxidants and other compounds that have been linked to numerous health benefits. The problem is that when people consume too much coffee, they get too much caffeine. The average cup of coffee has between 80 and 120 mgs of caffeine. Up to 400 mgs of caffeine per day is considered to be safe. However, if you are a coffee fan, consuming more than 500 mgs of caffeine (about 5 or more cups of coffee per day) can overload the central nervous system causing stomach cramps, heart palpitations, irritability, insomnia, and muscle tremors. Although the amount of caffeine needed to cause these problems can vary greatly from person to person, you should know your limit. The minute you feel jittery or your hands begin to shake, you’ve had one too many.


11. Liver

Organs are some of the most nutritious parts of an animal, with the liver being king. However, just a 100 gram piece of beef liver can contain more than 7 times your recommended daily intake of copper and as much as 6 times the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and is stored in the fatty tissues of the body, making overdose easier than you might think. Vitamin A toxicity includes bone pain, nausea, vomiting, and vision problems. Copper toxicity can lead to neurodegenerative changes, even an increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.  No matter how much you love liver, keep your consumption to no more than twice per week.


12. Water

This is absolutely mind blowing, but it’s true; you really can drink too much water. Water intoxication, hyponatremia, is mostly a risk for endurance athletes. In fact, at the 2002 Boston Marathon, more than 488 runners, about 13 percent, were suffering from hyponatremia. Unfortunately, some internet “challenges” have encouraged dieters to drink more than a gallon of water per day as a means of “cleansing” the body.  Drinking too much water dilutes the concentration of sodium in your blood, which creates a serious electrolyte imbalance. You can actually die from drinking too much water. Stick to the usual 8 to 10 glasses a day and you will be fine.



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One Comment

  1. Marvin Zinn

    Nov 30, 2015 at 12:54 pm

    I really appreciate this real information as products were created instead of poison often added for flavor and sales. The medical system also saves lives, but most of the cause is from wrong food and activity. Also, the medical system (different in each country) often kills more than it saves. (If I believed doctors I would have been dead already four times. I know other options!)