12 Natural Ways To Fight Stomach Cancer, Ulcers, And H. Pylori

Greek Yogurt

Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Probiotics

Everyone has both good and bad bacteria in their bodies. This is the natural balance of life. Probiotics are living “good” bacteria. Although it might seem strange, our bodies need “bad” bacteria to help the good bacteria function properly. Our bodies keep a healthy balance naturally, but we hardly live in a natural environment any more. Consuming probiotics, such as in yogurt, fermented foods, or through supplements, is a great way to restore this healthy balance to our digestive system, which can help to naturally remove H. pylori.


5. Aloe Vera

This little plant is so underrated when it comes to anything but skin care! This ancient medicinal plant has natural anti-inflammatory and antibiotic compounds that work wonders when used internally and externally. A 2014 Italian study  tested the effects of aloe vera gel on several different strains of H. pylori, and they found that the gel from a 5-year-old aloe vera plant had the strongest antibacterial compounds when it came to fighting all H. pylori strains. Talk to your doctor about how to consume aloe vera gel to kill off your infection.


6. Cranberry Juice

Long known to be a natural medicine when it comes to fighting infections, such as in the urinary tract and the kidneys, cranberry is also now known to prevent H. pylori from attaching itself to the lining of the stomach. The oncology department at Peking University found in one study that those who consumed 500 ml of cranberry juice each day tested completely negative for H. pylori at 35 days and then again after 90 days. This and other studies showed that cranberry’s anti-adhesion, antibacterial mechanism might be the newest tool to help kill off H. pylori and the damage it causes.

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