12 Non-Medicinal Ways to Fight Depression (#2 Seems Weird but It Works!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

11. Increase Your B Vitamins

All of the B vitamins (especially B12) play an important part in how your brain produces mood-impacting chemicals. When you lack any of the B vitamins, you can cheat your mind as well as your body. Vegans and older adults find that they have a difficult time getting sufficient amounts of B vitamins since they are mainly found in meat and animal products, such as eggs and milk. You can take a B-complex vitamin supplement or try eating more vitamin B-rich foods such as:

  • Turkey
  • Bell peppers
  • Cheese
  • Fish
  • Spinach
  • Shellfish


SEE ALSO: How to Naturally Treat Depression: 7 Easy Principles to Follow


12. St. John’s Wort

This herb has been used for hundreds of years to help stop depression. This herb works well for those suffering from mild to moderate depression. The active ingredient, hypericin, appears to affect the neurotransmitters in the brain in much the same way that drugs like Prozac do. This plant has far fewer side effects than prescription medications, but it can still interfere with other medications and produce side effects for some people. Always talk to your doctor to determine if St. John’s Wort is right for you, and determine the proper dose for your condition.

The happiest humans on the planet appear to be ones that live in the most natural state possible: Little or no junk food, a natural diet, an active lifestyle, lots of friends and close ties to family. They are those who enjoy the simple things in life, not keeping up with the Smiths.  Do you best to make your life a natural one, and you will see the benefits — guaranteed!





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