12 Powerful Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

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The benefits of sesame seeds have been known for hundreds of years. Women in the past used sesame seeds mixed with honey to keep them looking young and beautiful. Soldiers back in Roman times consumed sesame seeds to keep up their strength while in battle and for energy to keep them going.

Sesame seeds have maintained their importance as scientific healers and over the past 20 years they have accumulated documented proof in many areas. While the seeds remain tiny in size, their level of importance as a healing aid in our lives today continues to grow. Check out the benefits of sesame seeds in the following areas:


1. High Blood Pressure

Magnesium is recognized for its abilities to lower blood pressure. Sesame seeds are brimming with magnesium with a single serving containing 25% of the amount that is required daily. Keeping your blood pressure levels on an even keel will help to reduce the chances of getting problems with your cardiovascular system. When your blood pressure is normal you will not have to face the risks of a heart attack or a stroke. A study conducted by the Yale Journal of Biological Medicine in 2006 showed that substituting sesame oil with other oils in hypertensive patients lowered their dystolic and systolic blood pressure numbers bringing them back to normal.


2. Gum Disease

Oil pulling is a process that has been used for years in regards to oral health. The process consists of taking sesame seed oil into the mouth for long periods of time and swishing it around. Oil pulling reduces tooth decay, bleeding gums, halitosis, and helps to make the teeth, jaw, and gums stronger than ever.


3. Diabetes

With their abundance of magnesium, sesame seeds are able to cut down on your chances of getting diabetes. They are also able to help plasma glucose in diabetics who have been proven to be hypersensitive. A study by the Clinical Journal of Nutrition was able to prove that the use of sesame oil raised the effectiveness of the type 2 diabetic drug called glibenclamide.

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4. Heart Health

The oil from sesame seeds is able to prevent lesions known as atherosclerotic which in turn keeps the heart healthy and helps to maintain it that way.


5. Kidney Disease

There is a disease of the kidney that is induced by an antibiotic. The use of sesame seed oil is able to protect against this condition by cutting down on the oxidative damage that is caused by the gentamicin.


6. DNA Damage from Radiation

Sesame seeds contain sesamol which protects against DNA damage that is caused by radiation. It was able to lower the death rate in mice that were already exposed to radiation. It was also found to be more than 20 times stronger than a free radical scavenger and cut down on the chances of getting other types of cancer from cells that have already mutated.


7. Multiple Sclerosis

When they tested animals in a study on autoimmune encephalomyelitis they found that sesame seed oil was able to keep the mice from getting multiple sclerosis by cutting down on the secretion of IFN-gamma. It was also able to prevent the spread of another neurodegenerative condition known as Huntington’s disease.


8. Depression

The same component in sesame seeds called, sesamol, was proven to act as an antidepressant on people who were documented as chronically stressed out. It was able to cut down on the level of stress and the amount of proven inflammation.

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9. Certain types of cancer

Sesame seeds have been able to become effective in treating a number of types of cancer. Sesamin, which is a fat-soluble lignin, was able to reduce the progression of cancer cells in the following types of cancer: prostate, lung, pancreatic, leukemia, colon, breast and multiple myeloma.


10. Bones

Some of the minerals that are found in sesame seeds, such as calcium, zinc, and phosphorous, have been able to establish new bone materials as well as repairing bones that may have been compromised from osteoporosis.


11. Anti-inflammatory

If you suffer from the pains of arthritis that can create inflammation in your bones, muscles, and joints, sesame seeds can help. It is the copper found in the sesame seeds that helps to heal inflammation, improves circulation, and makes sure that there is plenty of oxygen flowing throughout the entire body at all times.


12. Function of the metabolism

The high levels of protein that are found in sesame seeds are able to distribute these proteins into usable components for the entire body. The result is higher energy levels, greater strength, better mobility, and an improved metabolic function.


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Whether you are already suffering from any of these conditions or diseases already, adding sesame seeds or sesame oil to your daily regime may be able to turn around and even correct these conditions.



