12 Super Foods that Fight a Summer Cold Like Crazy (You’ll Love #8!)


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10. Mushrooms

Traditional Chinese medicine frequently uses mushrooms to help fight all types of infections, including the common cold and flu virus. Eating mushrooms will increase your body’s production of cytokines, which fight off infection. They also contain polysaccharides that support a healthy immune system. Many types of mushrooms also contain antibacterial and antiviral compounds. The best mushrooms for fighting off a cold naturally are Portobello, maitake, shiitake, and white button mushrooms.


11. Yogurt

About 90 percent of our immune system lies in our belly. With more than 10 trillion bacteria living in our guts, it only makes sense that if we want a healthy immune system; we need to feed those little suckers. You can do this by eating plenty of probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, and yogurt to your daily diet. Studies show that eating just a half a cup (about 4 ounces) of yogurt each day can help you reduce the number of colds you get each year as well as shorten their duration. Be sure you buy yogurt that states it has “live and active” cultures.


SEE ALSO: 15 Ways to Eat Your Way to a Stronger Immune System


12. Carrot Juice

This is not a well-known home remedy but it works like the dickens! Carrot juice is loaded with those disease fighting antioxidants and when you drink the juice it has an almost magical effect on a nagging cough. Try to drink about 4 ounces of carrot juice twice per day to stop an annoying cough.






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