12 Things You Need To Know About This Upcoming Flu Season

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Get Your Rest

Skimping on sleep might impress your boss, but it weakens your immune system. Those who regularly get less than six hours sleep a night are much more susceptible to becoming sick and picking up viruses that the immune system cannot resist.  Get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night to increase your chances of staying healthy this flu season.


8. Limit Your Exposure To The Sick

Hopefully none of your co-workers come to work sick but if they do, encourage them to go home. The flu virus can spread around an office, and is found on at least 50 percent of all surfaces, in just four hours, according to research studies. If you can’t avoid a sick person (such as your child, spouse, or if you work in the health care field), then at least wash your hands both before and after you come into contact with them.

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