12 Ways to Treat Baby’s Cough & Cold That Pediatricians Won’t Tell You


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4. Honey

First, we want to warn all parents that you should NEVER give honey to a child less than one year of age. Honey contains natural bacteria that can lead to botulism in infants less than one year old.

However, for those over twelve months of age, honey is a perfectly safe remedy for colds and cough. Raw, organic honey contains antioxidants, antibacterial, as well as immune boosting compounds that go a long way towards improving the immune system and easing those nasty coughs. It is also great for easing sore throat pain. Don’t buy that honey in a plastic bear stuff they sell at the supermarket, it is nothing more than corn syrup with artificial colors and perhaps one drop of pollen. Always buy raw, organic honey from a farmer’s market or your health foods store. The darker the honey, the better! For coughs, give your child one teaspoon of honey directly by mouth. Alternatively, you can mix two teaspoons of honey and the juice of half a lemon in one cup of water and give this to your child several times each day for relief from coughs, sore throats, and chest congestion.


5. Herbal Teas

Many herbal teas work wonders when it comes to easing coughs and lessen cold symptoms. Try teas such as slippery elm, licorice root, sage, wild cherry bark, or mullein. If you don’t have any of these herbs on hand or if you have trouble finding either the herbs or the teas, look for a tea that is very popular called Kids Throat Coat. This tea contains many of the herbs listed above and it is safe for kids. Better still; kids seem to like the taste!


6. Chicken Soup or Broth

For children older than twelve months, warm chicken soup is super soothing to both body and mind. This nutritious but light meal will help to relieve congestion, is easy on the body when it comes to digestion, and the antioxidants in chicken soup will help to speed healing. The journal Chest published a study in 2000 finding that chicken soup, mom’s favorite remedy for hundreds of years, contains numerous compounds that have a positive effect on upper respiratory tract infections. Feed young children chicken soup two or more times each day. Younger babies can try some warm chicken broth from a bottle.

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