12 Ways to Treat Baby’s Cough & Cold That Pediatricians Won’t Tell You

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Bishop’s Weed

Sometimes called carom seeds, Bishop’s weed is a very helpful remedy for helping babies who get colds or coughs. Bishop’s weed has antibacterial, immune improving, and anti-inflammatory compounds that can really help lessen the symptoms of the common cold. It loosens mucus so that your baby can more easily remove it from the body. The seeds of this plant are commonly made into a tea. If you can’t find the tea, look for carom seeds (not to be confused with cardamom seeds). Boil about ½ a teaspoon of these seeds in eight ounces of water for five minutes. Strain and when it is only warm, not hot, offer this to your child several times each day.


11. Apple Cider Vinegar

If your baby has a fever, apple cider vinegar is a very effective way to reduce their fever naturally. Apple cider vinegar is acidic, which means it will draw out body heat via the skin. Add one part apple cider vinegar and two parts of cool water in a bowl. Soak two washcloths in this solution and wring them out. Put one cloth on the baby’s forehead and one on the tummy. Allow them to work for ten minutes or so, and then replace them with freshly soaked washcloths. Repeat until your child’s fever has broken. For children older than twenty four months, you can add ½ a cup of apple cider vinegar to a lukewarm bath and have your child sit in the bath for five to fifteen minutes. Repeat as often as needed to keep their temperature down.


SEE ALSO: Top 12 Natural Ways to Improve Your Kid’s Immune System


12. Oranges

Oranges are high in vitamin C, which helps to increase the production of white blood cells. This will help to fight off germs and viruses. Vitamin C improves the immune system, which can naturally help to alleviate cold symptoms such as sore, scratchy throats, coughs, and stuffed up or runny noses. Children more than two years old can drink several glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice each day. For children less than twenty months old, dilute orange juice with equal parts of warm water and offer this to them during the day.

  Extra Tips:

  • Practice extra good hygiene to help keep from spreading germs to other family members
  • Remove stuffed animals and wash them as they can harbor germs
  • Add an extra pillow to your child’s bed to elevate the head so that mucus can drain
  • Try saline nose sprays to help dry up runny noses or to unblock stuffy noses
  • Keep school-aged children at home and away from other children

Don’t wait it out and hope that your child’s cough will improve. Treating a cough and cold symptoms with natural remedies, such as the ones listed above, is the best way to ensure that your child will recover as quickly as possible as well as making them as comfortable as possible.





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