13 Antibiotics You Should Always Have On Hand (No Prescription Required!)

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

5. Garlic

This antiviral, antifungal and natural antibiotic is as old as time itself. The journal Microbes And Infection published a 1999 study which found that allicin, the sulfuric compound in garlic that gives it such a strong smell and flavor, worked just as well as several prescription antibiotics. Garlic also has plenty of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients known to keep the heart and arteries healthy.

Regular consumption of garlic can also kill internal parasites. Garlic needs to be crushed or cut to release its active ingredients. Crush a clove or two of organic garlic and swallow them whole, if you can. Otherwise, dice up some garlic and add it to everything, including salads, vegetable dishes and stir frys. There are garlic supplements, but you should speak with your doctor before you consume them.

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