15 Creative yet Easy Ways to Put Your Metabolism in High Gear

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

10. Eat a Mini-Meal

Ok, we have all been there. It’s 3PM and your stomach is growling and you don’t want to wait until dinner at 6 because by then you will be starving and you will probably stop at the fast food drive through instead. So eat a mini meal instead! It will keep your from hitting the drive through and it will keep that metabolism burning strong. If you think of your metabolism like a fireplace, then you know that to get a fire going, you need to start with some decent wood.

Then, every few hours, you add a bit more to keep it going, right? (For those of you who have never had a fireplace or have never gone camping, just trust us, this is how it’s done) Your metabolism works the same way. Eating small meals throughout the day keeps the fire that we call your metabolism stoked throughout the day.

Don’t grab those empty calories, like potato chips, or sugary snacks. Eat a little protein and a complex carb, such as cottage cheese with a little fruit, Greek yogurt with a few berries or apple slices with peanut butter.

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