15 Creative yet Easy Ways to Put Your Metabolism in High Gear

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 4. Add Whey Protein to Your Morning Smoothie

It doesn’t get much easier than this! When you are tossing all that fruit, veggies, ice, or what have you, take a few extras seconds and add something that really rev’s up the metabolism- whey protein powder.

This protein powder increases the amount of calories burned as well as the utilization of fat, which means the body will maintain muscles while it sends signals to the brain that you are full. This is all according to a study done at Skidmore College, who did studies to observe the effect that whey protein might have on the body. Although it’s true that all types of protein increase your metabolism, because protein has a thermogenic effect, (which means it makes your body produce more heat, which means more calories burned) but whey is the most effective non-meat protein you can use.

Another study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that this thermal effect, as well as the oxidation of fat, was far greater with whey protein than with either casein or soy protein. Find out 7 unusual superfoods smoothies that improve your life. 

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