15 Creative yet Easy Ways to Put Your Metabolism in High Gear

Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden background

Photo credit: bigstock

5.  Add Some Green Tea to Your Day

Most Americans drink about 3 cups of coffee every day. Consider swapping one of those cups of coffee, or one glass of water, for green tea. Green tea does contain caffeine so you will still get that jolt many people crave, but green tea is loaded with a type of antioxidant called catechins. Drinking green tea, combined with a total of 3 hours of moderate exercise every week, was shown to reduce abdominal fat over the three month study period.

This is according to a study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Freshly brewed, unsweetened green tea was shown to increase the amount of calories burned by about 100 calories every day. Imagine that; 700 calories burned every week simply by drinking one cup of green tea every day. Brew it fresh yourself.

You can drink it hot or cold, but make it yourself because those canned or bottled versions have absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever, so don’t waste your time, or money, buying those. Fresh is the way to go!

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