15 Creative yet Easy Ways to Put Your Metabolism in High Gear

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Photo credit: bigstock

9. Add a Little Seafood

You know that having salad for either lunch or dinner is a great way to fill you up with lots of those belly shrinking fiber and nutrients. But if you add just one more simple ingredient, you are going to be stoking that metabolism fire.

Try adding a bit of salmon to your salad.  You know that you get a bigger metabolism burn from protein but with salmon you will also get a wallop of those healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Studies published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that those who ate salmon for six weeks decreased their fat levels while increasing their lean muscle mass.

Researchers believe that it’s the fish oil that helps our bodies to reduce the levels of fat storing enzymes in the body. Use canned salmon for your best health. Read also about drinks that shrink belly fat.  

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