15 Foods You Aren’t Eating But Should Be (# 4 is Really Good!)

Photo credit: hdwallpapersinn.com

Photo credit: hdwallpapersinn.com

11. Guava

This tropical fruit is popular in many other countries, but not as much in the US –  yet. This fruit has an interesting way to being a tart kind of sweet when you first eat it, but it gets sweeter as you get to the center. Guavas have more lycopene (an antioxidant that has been shown to fight prostate cancer) than any other food, including watermelon and tomatoes!

Just one cup of guava has more potassium than a banana. It is also a super high fiber food with about 9 grams in every cup! You can eat the entire fruit, rind, seeds, and core. The rind has more vitamin C than an orange. Add a few of these sweet little beauties into your diet for some super cancer fighting power.

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