15 Foods You Aren’t Eating But Should Be (# 4 is Really Good!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7.  Purslane

Let’s forget the fact that the FDA says this is a broad leaf weed. This is a popular vegetable in many other countries including Greece, China, and Mexico. For vegans, this is an important source of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Purslane has more omega-3s than any other plant.  Scientists at the University of Texas report that his herb also has as much as 20 times more melatonin than any other fruit or vegetable around.

Melatonin is another antioxidant that can inhibit the growth of cancer and helps to regulate our sleep cycles. Purslane is a great addition to any salad as they have a mild, almost lemony flavor to them.

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