15 Foods You Aren’t Eating But Should Be (# 4 is Really Good!)

spices cinnamon anise nutmeg rock sugar

Photo credit: bigstock.com

9. Cinnamon

OK, so it’s a spice, not a food, but it still deserves a place here. If the only place you get cinnamon from is a morning cinnamon roll, then it’s time for a change! Cinnamon can help to control blood sugar levels, which will lower your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. One study found that those who consumed about ¼ teaspoon (1 gram) of cinnamon each day over the 6 week study period had lower blood sugar levels, lower LDL cholesterol, and lower triglyceride levels.

The active ingredient in cinnamon, methylhydroxychalcone, increases the ability of your cells to metabolize sugar by as much as 20 times their normal amount. You don’t have to get fancy with it, just sprinkle some in your morning coffee, oatmeal, toast, or anything else that suits you.

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