15 Natural Ways To Strengthen And Improve Your Memory Power

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Black Seed

Black seeds, sometimes called kalonji (scientific name Nigella Sativa) are terrific when it comes to improving the memory because of their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuron protecting compounds. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology conducted studies which found that persons who consumed two-500 mg supplements containing pure black seed powder each day had significant improvement in memory, cognition, and attention span when compared to those who took the placebo. Try mixing half a teaspoon of ground black seed twice each day.


8. Forget about Multitasking

Most people have been brainwashed into thinking that multitasking (doing several things at one time) is the ultimate in productivity. Actually, this has been proven to be just the opposite. Multitasking actually slows you down, makes you more forgetful, and makes you more prone to commit mistakes as well. Scientific studies show that you need about 8 seconds of concentration to commit something to memory. This is why, when you are talking on the phone, carrying in the kids, and then you set down your car keys, you instantly forget where you put them. (The keys, not your kids!) Instead of trying to do three or five things at one time, try instead to focus on no more than two things at one time.

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