15 Reasons To Eat More Of This Delicious Tropical Fruit, And Don’t Forget The Seeds!

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Protects Your Vision

The Archives of Ophthalmology published a study which found that eating at least 3 servings of papaya each day can lower the risk of developing a terrible eye problem called age-related macular degeneration. This is because this tropical fruit is rich in eye-protecting antioxidants E, C, and A. It also has two other important carotenoids which are found in the eyes, zeaxanthin and lutein. These provide your eyes with protection from the high energy blue light that can damage your retina.


7. Naturally Treats Arthritis

This fruit is loaded with several types of anti-inflammatory enzymes, which can go a long way towards relieving the pain of arthritis. Papaya contains two protein digesting enzymes, chymopapain and papain, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. The beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, and A are also good for reducing inflammation in the body. The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases have published studies which show that those who do not consume sufficient amounts of vitamin C rich foods are much more likely to develop arthritis than those who enjoy plenty of foods high in vitamin C, such as papaya.


8. Protects the Kidneys

Several studies have shown that consuming papaya seeds can help improve kidney function as well as prevent bacteria from attaching itself to the kidneys, causing infection or disease. This is due to the high level of flavonoids found in the seeds of this fruit.


9. Greatly Improves the Skin

If you want a truly beautiful, clear complexion, then this is the fruit for you. Papaya can be consumed and used as a facial, which will give you double the skin benefits that this fruit has to offer. Using papaya as a face mask can help open clogged pores, treat acne, and kill the bacteria that lead to pimples and cysts. Eating papaya will fill your body with vitamin C, which fights the free radicals that cause premature aging of the skin.


10. Terrific Detoxifier

Papaya can naturally help your body to improve its own detoxification process. The high fiber content of papaya will help to move things along, so to speak, preventing you from becoming constipated. Your body naturally removes waste and toxins through the large intestine. When you consume high fiber foods, you help your body keep waste moving out of the body.

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