15 Signs You Have A Hormonal Imbalance And Are NOT Going Crazy!

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Headaches and Migraines

As women approach middle age, it is not uncommon for them to find they suffer from headaches and even migraines more frequently. This can be because of hormonal imbalances during the menstrual cycle. If you suffer from headaches or migraines, it might help you if keep a diary of when they happen. You might find out that they follow certain dates, times, or triggers.


14.  Mood Swings/Depression/Anger

Most women find that as they approach their middle years and hit menopause, they experience wild mood swings and anxiety attacks, even feeling nervous about handling situations that used to be normal for them. This is due to hormonal imbalances in most cases, which often occur during menopause. Many women find that they become angry quicker than they did before, they cry at the drop of a hat, and frequently become depressed. If you suffer from mild to moderate mood swings, try one of the many herbal supplements that can help you to manage these feelings. If you feel severe depression or your mood swings are interfering with your life, see your doctor.


SEE ALSO: 15 Signs You Are Having Thyroid Problems (#9 is Really Surprising!)


15. Weight Gain

Many women find that the older they become, the more weight they put on. In fact, most women simply resign themselves to their “middle age spread” because they feel there is nothing they can do about it. However, the real reason many women gain weight is because their adrenal system becomes fatigued by overwork, so it signals to the thyroid that there is a problem. Their thyroid responds by slowing down.  The pancreas will respond to a slower metabolism by thinking it should protect the body by storing fat. If you have gained weight easily, and it doesn’t seem to budge, see your doctor so they can test your thyroid and adrenal gland function.

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