15 Things Every American Must Know

Group doing stretching exercises in back training class in a fit

Photo credit: bigstock

4. Find Ways to Handle Stress

It’s nice to think that, after this project, or after this event, after the holidays, or after the kids go back to school, that our load will lighten and all stress will disappear from our lives. Face it; it is not going to happen. Although it’s true, we can all find ways to reduce stress in our lives, it will never disappear entirely. Instead of waiting for stress to make an exit, find ways to effectively deal with it. Find out yoga poses.

Stop worrying about the past, (which you cannot change), or the future (you can’t control it), and focus on right now, today! Practice whatever method works best for you. Enjoy music? Dance in the basement until you are completely out of breath. Prefer quiet time? Practice yoga and/or meditation. Want to get away? Go for a long walk in the woods, by a body of water, by yourself or with a friend. Maybe a mix of all of the above depending on your mood and the weather. Stress relief is one of the best medicines available and it’s absolutely free.

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