15 Ways To NOT Get Cancer (#9 Saves Money, Too!)

water from filter

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Drink Pure Water

By now you probably already know that most municipalities in the U.S. treat their water with fluoride, a known neurotoxin. However, if your city water is treated with chlorine, you should know that chlorine reacts with natural organic matter to form a toxic byproduct called DBP. This byproduct is more than 1,000 times more toxic than most of the contaminants in your water, including fluoride and/or chlorine. DBPs have been well-tested and are known carcinogens. They have also been linked to reproductive problems in both humans and animals, even when consumed in lower levels.

Bottled water is not much better. Studies show that many types of bottled water contain just as many contaminates as tap water. A whole house filtration system is your best choice. Remember that what goes on your skin also enters your body, which means that those filtration devices for your sink only solve half the problem.

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