15 Ways To NOT Get Cancer (#9 Saves Money, Too!)

Organic Market Fruits And Vegetables

Photo credit: bigstock.com

15. Buy Organic and Locally Grown

The pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used by most big commercial farms are carcinogenic, and you are eating them every time you eat their produce or their animal products. Even the EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency) considers that 90 percent of the fungicides, 60 percent of the herbicides, and 30 percent of insecticides used in commercial farming are carcinogenic. Most are also very damaging to your central nervous system.

Everyone has to eat, but you don’t have to eat poison. As much as possible, grow your own! Many vegetables take very little space and can even be grown in containers on patios or balconies. What you can’t grow yourself, buy from your local farmers market, which generally is loaded with organic fruits and vegetables, sometimes even free range meats, eggs, and raw honey.


SEE ALSO: Heal and Prevent Cancer by Consuming Organic Foods


Although there are no guarantees in life, and there are plenty of things that we cannot control, we can limit our exposure to toxins and carcinogens. We can also limit the amount of chemicals that we consume. Every little bit helps and adds up to big changes. What are you waiting for? Start today to take control of your health, and encourage family members to do the same. You don’t have to make huge changes all at once. Implement just one or two changes into your life every few months. Before you know it, you will be on the healthy highway!




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