20 Easy Ingredient Swaps For Healthier Eating In Seconds

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

12. Instead of Sugar

We already gave you one substitution for sugar (cinnamon), but here is one more substitute. When you are making baked goods, most recipes call for some type of sugar. Without it, you won’t get the type of texture or flavor that you are looking for. Since sugar only leads to weight gain and has nothing to offer nutritionally, try this great substitution. The next time you make your favorite recipe, replace that sugar with unsweetened applesauce. This will give you the texture and sweetness you love without the calories.


13. Make Healthier Spreads

Most people cannot resist butter or balsamic-flavored oils on their bread. Then there are those veggies. Who doesn’t want to dip them in some creamy flavored sauce or dip? Make a healthier choice by using pureed nuts instead of butter. For super flavor, roast some garlic and mix it with some cashews in the blender for a taste you will not soon forget. For a change of pace, substitute garlic for lemon, basil, or mustard.

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