20 Easy Ingredient Swaps For Healthier Eating In Seconds

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

14. Make A Healthier Salad

Salads are a great way to drop pounds quickly and add healthy vegetables to your diet, but we ruin them when we drown them in those fat- and sugar-filled salad dressings. For a healthier salad, try switching that calorie-laden salad dressing for fresh salsa and lime juice. You can also try making your own dressing by mixing some white wine vinegar with balsamic vinegar, and adding cashews or sunflower seeds.


15. Instead Of Eggs

You can substitute ripe bananas for eggs in any recipe that calls for whole eggs. Use one medium sized ripe banana for every one egg and get tons of potassium with no loss of texture or flavor.

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