20 Easy Ingredient Swaps For Healthier Eating In Seconds

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

16. Make Healthier Chinese Food

If you are like us, you love that hoisin sauce on Chinese food. Oyster sauce and duck sauce also have their appeal. However, unless you make it from scratch, most bottled sauces have tons of added sugar. Skip the sugar, and simply use Chinese five spice powder instead. You won’t get the exact same flavor, but you will get a rich flavor that you are sure to love, especially when you remember that you are not eating your Chinese food covered in a sugary sauce.


17. Instead Of One Whole Egg

Although many people will beg to differ, study after study shows that whole eggs are healthy. However, if you are trying to cut calories, egg whites will be your new best friend. You can substitute two egg whites for one egg and save a bunch of calories. This is especially helpful when making things like veggie scrambles and omelets.

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