20 of the Most Outstanding Foods to Beat This One Deadly Cancer

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

17.   Salt Substitutes

Studies show that a diet high in sodium can increase the risk of stomach cancer. In parts of the world where salt consumption is high (such as in Japan) people tend to have higher incidences of stomach cancer. In areas where refrigeration, rather than salt, has been used as a means of preserving food, rates of stomach cancer have fallen dramatically.

Limit the amount of salt you use by adding other spices such as garlic and onions (both of which are excellent cancer fighters), basil, and other herbs that add flavor without adding salt. Also, look carefully for hidden salt or sodium in packaged foods, such as ketchup and frozen vegetables, soups, and frozen dinners. Always cook fresh food for your family whenever possible so that you can get all the nutrition you need and none of the salt you don’t want.

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