20 Ways to Improve Your Health in 60 Seconds or Less

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Phone Home

Call you mom. Or your dad. Science says hearing a loved one’s voice makes your body produce oxytocin, which will help heal wounds and anything else that ails you. Love you, mom!


14. Floss

It might be gross, but research shows that poor oral hygiene can lead to mouth sores, ulcers, and inflammation of the gums. This means you are more apt to get infections. Take one minute and floss those teeth to get rid of all the food that your toothbrush can’t reach.


15.  Take a Deep Breath

Actually, you should take a couple of deep breaths, especially when you are feeling stressed out. Deep breathing is one of the body’s natural stress relief methods. A couple of deep, controlled breaths can help stop a racing heart, feelings of anxiety, and those shallow breaths we take when we feel stress. Deep breathing can also lower your blood pressure, and slow the production of stress hormones.


16.  Hold a Plank

Just a daily one minute plank is the classic fitness challenge. Everyone’s doing it, as you have probably seen on your Facebook or Instagram feeds, so why not join in? It only takes a minute and it can mean improved posture, a stronger midsection, as well as ward off back pain.

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