30 Creative Ways to Recycle One Thing That Will Knock Your Socks Off!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

16. Bottle and Cup Insulators

Cut the foot part off of a sock and pull the long part over a cup, bottle or glass to keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot — and still be fashionable!


17.  Stop Ice Burns

Put ice packs inside a sock to stop frostbite when applying the ice pack to the skin. You can cut off the foot if you want a perfect fit or simply use as is.


18.  Make a Hair Bun

You can have a fuller-looking hair bun in minutes by wrapping your hair around a sock and pinning it in place!


19.  Insulate Hot Water Bottles

Similar to the way old socks can be used for insulating ice packs, they can do the same thing for hot water bottles or heating pads. You might need a pair of really stretched out socks, but you can find the perfect fit if you try.


20. Do You Use a Swiffer?

Stop buying those expensive sheets and just put an old sock over your Swiffer. Change as often as you like — just wash the sock, and use it again!

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