5 Super Easy Exercises That Makes Fat Disappear

Sporty Woman In The Gym.

Photo credit: bigstock

5. High Knees

Almost like Knees to Chest but standing up. Not only is this exercise good for almost all your muscles, but it can even be considered cardiovascular if you go fast enough!

Get yourself in a comfortable standing position, and then bring one leg up as far as you can, all the way to your chest if possible. It’s OK to use your hands and arms to pull your leg up further.

Put that leg down and repeat with the other leg. Do this as many times as you can until you are breathing hard. As you get use to this exercise, try doing it as fast as you can and watch your heart rate go up as your weight goes down!

Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult, time consuming, or expensive. Just get up off the couch and get started!

See also how to prevent sport injuries.





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