8 Natural Alternatives To Toxic Mouthwashes (We Give You The Recipes Right Here!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Herb Infused Mouthwash


  • 2 cups of filtered water
  • ½ ounce of whole cloves
  • 1 ounce of Oregon grape root
  • 1 ounce of rosemary sprigs


Boil the water and then add all remaining ingredients to the water. Boil for one minute, then turn off the fire and cover the pot. Allow herbs to steep in to the water overnight. Strain out the herbs with a piece of cheesecloth in the morning and store in a glass container with a tight fitting lid. Shake well before each use and store in the refrigerator. This will keep 7 to 14 days in the fridge.


7. Simple Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Mouthwash



Don’t make a large batch of this solution. Try one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of water, for example. Mix in a ceramic or glass container (such as a glass or coffee cup) and use immediately. Swish in the mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Do not swallow, and do not save any extra solution.


8. Sweet-Smelling Essential Oil Mouthwash


  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • 20 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Best choices are cinnamon, clove, wintergreen, peppermint, or tea tree oil


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In a glass container with a tight fitting lid, combine all ingredients and shake well. Always shake well before each use. This mixture will keep on the kitchen counter or bathroom counter forever.



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