Best 12 Herbs to Support Healthy Eyes

Fresh Fennel

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10. Fennel

Fennel is known for strengthening the eyes. If you often have watery, inflamed, red eyes, fennel can provide you with some relief. Using fennel tea as an eyewash can also help cases such as glaucoma and cataracts. One study performed in 2008, showed that one single drop of fennel seed extract showed that it significant ocuhypotenstive activity in the intraocular pressure. This study showed that fennel has a promising role as a possible anti-glaucoma treatment in the future.


11. Gingko Biloba

Gingko has been used for hundreds of years to increase energy, calm central nervous system problems, and help with eye issues and disease. Gingko also increases blood flow to the back of the eye. Studies show that gingko has been associated with significant improvement for those with macular degeneration and glaucoma. Korean scientists in 2012 conducted a study involving 332 subjects who had normal tension glaucoma. After treating the subjects with gingko biloba, visual acuity of the eyes improved in visual field tests. The evidence from this study suggests that ginkgo can offer powerful benefits in the area of vascular problems, including glaucoma.


12. Milk Thistle

Although the saying is that the “eyes are the windows to the soul,” many doctors and herbalists will tell you that perhaps that should be changed to being the windows to your liver health. Blurry vision or weak eyes can be signs of possible liver disease. So although milk thistle is thought of as being an herb for liver support, in this way it can also be of benefit to the eyes. Your live is a vital organ for your eyes since the fat soluble vitamins that the liver stores are responsible for helping repair damage that the eyes might have received. The silymarin in milk thistle can also inhibit aldose reductase, which plays a significant role in the sugar deposition in the eyes of those suffering from diabetes. Milk thistle fights free radicals and reduces sugar levels in the eyes, so this herb works both ways; helping to support a healthy liver, and encouraging healthy vision as well.

You should note that many of the eye conditions listed here tend to develop very slowly, so many people do not notice the symptoms until the condition becomes severe. Your best strategy is regular eye examinations in addition to a healthy, plant based diet. Early detection, prompt treatment, and a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to prevent vision loss.


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