Best 15 Ways Ever To Use Sandalwood Oil (You Will Want To Know More About #10!)


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10. Aphrodisiac

We told — you would want to know more! If your partner just isn’t in the mood for love, mix a few drops of sandalwood oil in carrier oil such as coconut, sweet almond, or jojoba oil, and rub this into the bottom of their feet. You can also massage their back with it to help inspire them. Do this once each night for best results. (But we promise not to tell if you decide to use it more than once a day!)


11. Menstrual Cramps

This method has been used by women for an untold number of years to relive the pain of menstrual cramps. Sandalwood oil is naturally anti-spasmodic, so it will stop the muscle spasms of the abdomen that are causing you pain. Add some sandalwood oil into a tablespoon of carrier oil, such as sweet almond or grape seed oil, and rub this healing oil onto your abdomen and feet. Keep in mind that oils can stain clothing, so be careful when and where you use this.


12. Rashes

If you have contact dermatitis or if you develop a rash from plants or allergies, sandalwood oil can downplay some of the effects of most rashes such as itching, soreness, swelling, and hives. Mix sandalwood oil with a good carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. Rub this oil mixture into the affected areas at least three times each day. Wear a long-sleeved shirt or pants to help keep the skin moisturized.

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