Best Foods To Eat And Which To Avoid To Help With ADHD

Sliced Avocado

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5. Blueberries

Studies involving lab animals have shown that blueberries protect the brain from damage and reduce the effects of age-related diseases such as dementia. Studies have also found that diets rich in blueberries improve the learning ability of elderly rats, making them mentally equal to younger rats. Offer your child more blueberries as a snack, in their oatmeal, or in cereal and yogurt.


6. Avocados and Whole Grains

The brain requires sufficient blood flow. Eating a diet high in whole grains and fruit, such as avocados, can lower cholesterol levels, which improve blood, flow to the brain. You might not think that a young child can have high cholesterol, but removing any impediment to blood flow is a good one. Whole grains, such as popcorn, contribute to fiber and are high in vitamin E, which is also good for the brain. Avocados have high levels of monounsaturated fats, which also help improve blood flow to the brain.

As we said earlier, your child’s diet might not stop ADHD entirely, but it might make enough of a change that you can avoid those chemically filled pharmaceutical drugs. Avoid junk foods, fast food, and sugar filled foods as much as possible so that your child can enjoy the best health possible.


READ ALSO: 12 Herbs That Help Stop ADHD


Don’t forget that every child is different and will react to certain foods in a different manner. For example, some children are very allergic to peanuts, while many children love peanuts. Pay attention to your child and the changes you make in their diet as certain types of foods can cause allergic reactions or trigger ADHD. If you have any doubts or questions about making some of these changes, speak with your doctor.


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