Exciting Natural Treatments For Asthma That Really Work!

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

3. Herbs and Spices

  • Ginger – Well-known for reducing inflammation in the body, it also relaxes the muscles. You may add fresh ginger to just about anything, from smoothies to vegetable dishes, or simply make a tea adding some honey for taste.
  • Garlic – If you can stand the taste, the best way to consume this natural decongestant is to consume it raw. Slightly crush a clove of organic garlic, allow it to sit for about 10 minutes, then swallow it whole. If that is too strong for you, you can add it to your foods or make a strong garlic soup. Another remedy is to boil 2 slightly crushed cloves in a cup of milk. Once the milk has cooled to where it warm, but not hot, drink the milk, discarding the garlic cloves.
  • Turmeric – This spice has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat asthma symptoms for hundreds of years. Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that relaxes muscle spasms and improves airflow. You can use it in cooking or take it as a supplement.
  • Mullein – This herb is commonly sold as a tea, and it work well at reducing coughing, wheezing, and reliving asthmatic spasms.
  • Parsley Leaf – Drinking a tea made from parsley leaf works great, as parsley is a natural expectorant and it helps to reduce coughing. Parsley is also a diuretic, so keep that in mind if you are taking prescription drugs.
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