Got Stomach Aches and Pains? We Have 12 Herbal Solutions that Work!

Get well card, chamomile tea and fresh lemon

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7. Rosemary

This super fragrant herb is the perfect all around herb for improving digestion and stopping stomach pain. It stimulates the production of bile and detoxifies the liver. Rosemary can also enhance the appetite and relive common problems such as bloating, gas, stomach cramp, and constipation. It does this by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, which will relieve most common stomach discomfort complaints.


8.  Chamomile

One of the gentlest and safest herbs known to man, chamomile has strong anti-inflammatory, calming, and anti-spasmodic compounds that fight many gastrointestinal issues. Its sedative properties soothe the mucous lining of the digestive system to relieve gas, heartburn, indigestion, and other types of stomach problems, especially when due to anxiety or nervousness. Research has shown that taking oral extracts of chamomile had a gastro protective effect against ulcers.


9. Dandelion

Dandelion is often thought of as nothing more than a common weed, but it actually is a treasure chest of valuable health nutrients. Dandelion contains zinc, iron, protein, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, manganese, B-vitamins, and flavonoids. This plant has strong blood purifying and liver cleansing effects. Dandelion is a known diuretic and can help promote better digestion as well as helping to cleanse the lymph system. This herb can also help those who suffer with diarrhea after eating. Dandelion tea is a terrific way to end a meal and encourage healthy digestion. The leaves of this plant will increase stomach acid and strengthen the liver, stomach, and gallbladder functions. By relieving intestinal gas and upset stomach, dandelion is a wonderful all around stomach tonic that is well tolerated by almost everyone.

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