Got Wisdom Tooth Pain? We Have 15 Solutions! (#10 is Insane!)

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10. Sage

Sage is so super healing that it not only reduces the pain of a toothache, but it can help bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), and stop mouth sores. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of dried sage into a shot glass. Pour in a bit of vodka or whiskey and allow this to sit for 5 or 10 minutes. Use this mixture as a mouth rinse and swish it in your mouth for a few minutes. Repeat the swishing procedure at least twice or until your pain is gone.


11. Whiskey

This is an age old but tried and true method. Take a shot glass full of whiskey and pour it into your mouth. Just hold it there for one minute. You can swallow it if you want or spit it out, the choice is yours, but this will definitely numb the pain within a couple minutes. Repeat as necessary or until you can no longer find the bottle.


12. Peppermint

This is another age old herb that has been used in different forms for an untold number of years. Peppermint will ease the pain and kill bacteria, stopping an infection before it can start.

  • Tea – You can make a tea and allow it to cool, and then rinse with it to help stop the pain.
  • Whole Fresh Leaves – If you have a peppermint plant, you can take whole, fresh leaves and place them next to the tooth. Allow them to sit there for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Essential oil – Pour a drop or two of the oil on a cotton ball and hold it close to the tooth which hurts.
  • Mouthwash – Put a teaspoon of dried peppermint in a cup, pour some hot water in, and allow it all to sit for 20 minutes. Strain out the leaves and use as a mouth rinse.

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