How To Choose The Right Tea For Every Health Problem

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Herbal teas are the bomb, aren’t they? Or perhaps we should say that tea is excellent in all areas. No matter how you want to say it, one thing is certain, teas rock! Not only are they super delicious, they can be made in a matter of minutes, and they offer relief for a wide variety of health complaints. Tea is the one thing that everyone can agree on, not to mention they give you that warm, comforting feeling when you drink them.

There are so many varieties of tea, however, that sometimes it’s difficult to find the right one to suit your particular problem. Well, rest assured, no matter what you are feeling, there is a tea available that will help put you right and ease those symptoms in a jiffy.

Keep reading and find out which teas work best for your particular problem. Cheers!


1.  Stomachache, Stomach Pain, Nausea?

Try ginger, cinnamon, or peppermint tea. These teas are well known for calming and soothing the occasional tummy upset. Ginger tea is especially good for feelings of nausea. In fact, when you are vomiting and can’t seem to keep anything down, ginger tea is often the only thing that your stomach will accept. Peppermint tea is perfect for children when they get those nighttime tummy aches. Cinnamon helps with overall digestive problems and helps you feel warmer when you have the chills.


2.  Got Insomnia?

Don’t you just hate it when you are really tired but your mind simply won’t shut off and let you get the sleep you need? Try chamomile, lavender, passionflower, or vervain tea. All of these are old time favorites that will calm and soothe both the body and mind. You can probably find “nighttime” or “sleep inducing” tea blends that contain one or more of these teas. Find out top 12 herbs to kill insomnia.


3.  Need to Energize?

If you need a quick wake up tea in the mornings, you can make rosemary or peppermint tea. Peppermint is known to wake up your senses quickly without upsetting your stomach. Rosemary has been shown in tests to improve memory and cognitive skills.

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4.  Got a Headache?

Reach for cinnamon, lemongrass, or lavender tea. Cinnamon has manganese and iron, which will help quell that headache and lavender is well known for its calming effects. Tension or stress headaches respond really well to lavender. Cinnamon works best on other types of headaches. Lemongrass tea is a good choice when a headache is caused by feelings of anxiety.


5. Got a Scratchy or Sore Throat?

Lemon tea with honey will do the trick every time. Lemon will get rid of mucus that might be building up in your throat, making it sore. Honey is naturally anti-bacterial, so it will help to kill off any bugs that might be thinking of taking up residence in your throat.


6.  Got a Cough That Won’t Quit?

Make thyme tea. Thyme will calm spasms in the bronchial tubes as well as ease the pain from a cold or a coughing spell.

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Young beautiful woman is having stomach ache. Isolated on white.

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7. Feeling Blue?

Everyone gets the blues now and then, so when you feel down, try sipping on a cup of bergamot tea. This citrus fruit is the main ingredient in Earl Grey tea. There are numerous herbal blends that include bergamot for just this purpose. Bergamot is best used in combination with other teas, rather than as a stand-alone tea.


8. Got Cramps?

When you get stomach cramps or abdominal cramps because it’s that time of the month, go for chamomile tea. Chamomile will relax those muscles and calm your nerves.


9. Got Indigestion?

Reach for fennel and honey. Fennel has a mild licorice flavor that works really well when mixed with honey to naturally stop indigestion and mild heartburn. Simply crush some fennel seeds and pour boiling water over them. Strain after about 5 to 8 minutes, the mix in some honey for some fast indigestion relief.

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Sick Woman.Flu.Woman Caught Cold. Sneezing into Tissue. Headache

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10. Got a UTI?

Most people turn to cranberry juice for their urinary tract infection, but finding organic, unsweetened juice can be difficult. Next time, try juniper berry tea. This tea works great for UTIs and is a nice alternative to cranberry juice.


11. Got Gas?

Not only is gas painful sometimes, it’s really embarrassing in the wrong situations! (Can you say three hour closed door meeting?) Next time gas strikes, try lemongrass tea. Lemongrass is perhaps the best tea to stop bloat and gas.


12. Got a Cold?

When you catch a cold or flu bug, try making some lemon myrtle tea with honey. This tea has a super tangy lemony taste that you will love. If you find it too strong, mix it with any other black or green tea. Adding some raw, organic honey (or Manuka honey if you can find it) will really go a long way towards relieving your cold symptoms and put you back on the road to recovery. Find out more natural remedies for cold and flu.

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13. Having Hot Flashes?

If you are going through menopause then you know how miserable a hot flash can be. You might not think that drinking a hot tea is going to help, but it will. Of course you can always drink an iced tea if that appeals to you more. Which tea should you choose? Peppermint. Peppermint tea has been said to work wonders when it comes to those hot flashes. Perhaps you should keep a pitcher of it in the fridge from now on!


14.  Are You Pregnant?

If you are pregnant, then you should be drinking two to three cups of raspberry leaf tea daily. In the early stages of your pregnancy, it can help put a stop that annoying morning sickness. Later on, it can help you have an easier delivery. Who doesn’t want that?!


SEE ALSO: Top Ways to Make Your Coffee or Tea Habit Healthier


15. Got PMS?

Although it can be quite strong, sage tea is known to help lift your spirits and calm those overactive hormones. If you find the taste overwhelming, mix it with another black or flavored tea, such as lemon. Some women claim that they drink two to three cups of sage tea four or five days before their period and continue until their period starts and that they never have PMS symptoms again.

