Decrease The Amount Of Salt In Your Body: Learn How!

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It happens to everybody at one time or another. You consume too much salt and you feel uncomfortable. You are retaining fluids, your rings are stuck on your fingers, and your ankles are swollen. Salt is in most foods already, but many people add salt when the food is on your plate.

It is very easy to use too much salt when you eat, or even when you drink. Regular salt isn’t too much of a problem, but when you have too much salt in your body you could end up with high blood pressure which could result in a heart attack or even a stroke.

If you are retaining fluids the sooner you can get rid of them, the better off you will feel.  Find out more about the 13 ways to eliminate the excess salt in your body!


1. Use foods that are natural diuretics

When you consume foods that are natural diuretics, they will help your body easily and quickly release some, or all of the retained fluids. Look for fresh cabbage – cook it without any added salt – and cranberry juice that has no additional sugar in it.


2. Consume foods that are rich in vitamins D, B-5 and B-6

If you have a mild case of fluid retention, try to consume foods that are rich in vitamin B-5, vitamin B-6 and vitamin D. Foods that contain these vitamins include brown rice, low fat dairy, and red meat.


3. Keep your legs elevated

When women are pregnant, many times they retain fluids and it can become dangerous. The best thing to do whether you are pregnant, or just have ankles that are swollen, is to keep your legs elevated. Lay down and put your legs up on a couple of pillows so they are raised up. You should elevate your legs for about 30 minutes at a time for up to four times a day and you will see the bloating disappear.


4. Consume lots of water

Many people are afraid to drink more water when they are bloated, but that is actually one way to rid yourself of extra sodium. When you drink a lot of water it helps to flush your system and takes the excess sodium with it. Even though you may be bloated, using too much sodium can leave you dehydrated so you will always need additional fluids.

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