Is the Fluoride in Drinking Water Causing Brain Drain?

Small Girl in the kitchen with her mother drinking water

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Little evidence that swallowing fluoride reduces tooth decay

Fluoridation is designed to treat cavities but it’s never been approved by the FDA. Direct application helps to prevent cavities but there is very little proof that drinking it provides any benefit.


6. Fluoride can cause chemical brain drain

Studies seem to show that fluoride fits right in with lead, mercury, and other metals that cause damage to the brain. The effect might seem small, but the combined damage can be serious. Numerous studies confirm that fluoride is a dangerous, toxic poison that accumulates in your body, as well as in your brain.


7. Reduces intelligence

There have been 37 studies involving humans which links even modest fluoride exposure to lower intelligence levels. There are also three human studies which link fluoride exposure to impaired brain development in fetuses.


8. Causes damage to the hippocampus


SEE ALSO: 10 Tips to Avoid Fluoride Exposure Infographic

9. Causes the formation of beta-amyloid plaques

This is the classic brain abnormality seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease


10. Impairs the antioxidant defense system in the body


11. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland


12. Fluoride increases the uptake and accumulation of aluminum in the body


13. Fluoride affects almost every part of the body

It can damage the kidneys, suppress thyroid activity, leads to skeletal fluorosis of the bones, and can lead to serious damage of the intestines as well as lead to irritable bowel syndrome.

Even if you want to ignore the evidence that fluoride is poisonous to the body, why would you still want to drink it if it doesn’t even protect your teeth? The truth is it probably won’t. Advocates state that the gradual reduction in tooth decay that has been happening since the 1950’s is due to the fluoridation of water, but the facts don’t really add up. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that dental cavities have drastically declined during the past 50 years. But what they don’t mention is the fact that the rates of tooth decay have dramatically declined in ALL Western countries, whether or not their water had added fluoride, so it can’t be the fluoride that is making the difference. In fact, rates of tooth decay are higher in some countries who add fluoride to their water such as Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark.

Dental cavities are mainly caused by the demineralization of the teeth by acids that are formed on the teeth during the fermentation of bacteria. Think of it this way, dental cavities are not caused from a lack of fluoride no more than depression is caused by a lack of Prozac.

Numerous towns and countries around the world are removing fluoride from their water supplies, including parts of Germany, a few towns in the Netherlands, and in Finland as well. The Canadian government has recently stated that the prevalence of cavities actually decreased over time after fluoridation was stopped in certain communities, while the cities that continued fluoridation had virtually unchanged levels of dental cavities. It’s fairly obvious that fluoride has nothing to do with the underlying causes of dental cavities, its diet and lack of good oral hygiene practices.

We need to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation in this country. There is a grass roots organization called the Fluoride Action Network with plans to do exactly that; they hope to end water fluoridation in both Canada and the United States. Clean, pure water is an absolute necessity to optimal health. Chemicals, drugs, and other toxic additives have no place in drinking water. Support the anti-fluoride movement today!


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One Comment

  1. Ima Skeptic

    Oct 1, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Fluoride is one of the deadliest, multi-functional and insidious poisons known to mankind.