Make Your Own Natural First Aid Kit With These 10 Essential Oils

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7.  Calendula

Sometimes called marigold, calendula can be used in a variety of forms, including as an essential oil. This flower has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and astringent compounds, which helps it to heal minor cuts and wounds more quickly. Calendula is great for those with sensitive skin and it can be used to reduce the appearance of scars, especially acne scars. To ease skin irritation and psoriasis, put one or two drops in your bath water.


8. Peppermint

Peppermint oil stimulates the brain and increases mental alertness. It can also be taken internally to improve digestion and ease stomach pain. Breathing in the scent from peppermint can also clear up the sinuses. Apply one drop to that annoying insect bite and it will stop the itching and pain.


9. Chamomile

You’ve probably used chamomile tea to help you calm down after a stressful day at work, or even to help you fall asleep when you have insomnia. The essential oil has many of the same properties. You can try adding a few drops of this to your pillow for better sleep. Chamomile is also great for relieving indigestion, but you should use tea bags for this purpose. Mixed with a carrier oil, chamomile can ease minor skin irritations as well.


10. Frankincense

This wonderfully scented essential oil has been used for thousands of years to help with symptoms of depression, improve the immune system, stop inflammation, help minor cuts heal quickly, and stop the itch from insect bites.

Extra Tip: Although it is not an essential oil, aloe vera gel is another great item for your first aid kit. Aloe vera works wonders for those minor kitchen burns, sunburn, and small cuts. It also can relieve constipation. You can use the gel from a freshly cut leaf, or buy some aloe vera gel at your local health food store.


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