Make Your Own Non-Toxic Fabric Softener

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Making your own cleaning products is a healthy way to save money and avoid toxins, but did you know that fabric softener is one of the most toxic things in your laundry room?  Commercially-made fabric softeners are filled with chemicals such as benzyl acetate, which has been linked to pancreatic cancer when inhaled or absorbed through the skin. They also contain synthetic fragrances, which are known to disrupt hormones. They contain a compound called benzyl alcohol, which is extremely irritating to the upper respiratory tract. On top of that, some fabric softeners have even been known to contain chloroform. That’s right, chloroform, that stuff you see in murder movies where a person puts a rag over someone’s face and they pass out. Why does fabric softener need chloroform? Besides being an accomplice to murder in the movies, it is a known neurotoxin and carcinogen!

Why deal with all those toxins when you can make your own fabric softener at home? This easy to make, inexpensive, completely customizable recipe will leave your laundry smelling super fresh, naturally white, help to remove stains, and leaves clothes super soft. It’s environmentally friendly as well. Who could ask for anything more?

This recipe contains baking soda, which will pull out even the toughest stain. Since baking soda is alkaline, it can neutralize the acid from various stains such as blood, urine, or vomit. This recipe is environmentally friendly, won’t harm delicate fabrics, is perfect for people who have sensitive skin, and will actually remove odors, not just cover them up.

This recipe uses essential oils, but these are only there to add a pretty scent. If you prefer, you can leave out the essential oils and your clothes will still be soft and white. You can choose any scent you like including lemon, lavender, cedar, rose, orange, bergamot, or any scent you love best.

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If you like, you can double or triple this recipe and make a batch of fabric softener that will last for months, depending on the amount of laundry you do each week. If you do this, be sure you increase the amount of essential oils that you use.  You can also alter the amount of essential oils that are used to suit your preferences. Add more for a stronger scent, less for a softer scent.

Find a suitable container, one with a tight fitting lid to keep this mixture dry. Are you ready? Let’s go!


Make Your Own Fabric Softener


  • 2 Cups of Epsom salt
  • 25 Drops of your favorite essential oil or a blend of oils
  • ½ Cup of Baking soda

Simply mix everything together in the container you wish to use. That’s it! How simple is that? Label your mixture so that you don’t get confused later about what is in it or so that no one else wonders what is in your container. If you decide to make different scents, or make one batch unscented, then you will also be able to know which is which at a glance.

Simply add two or three tablespoons to your wash or just before your final rinse.


SEE ALSO: 25 Amazing Uses for Epsom Salt


By the way, if you live in an area that happens to get a great deal of static electricity from very dry air, and you find that your clothes sometimes get static cling, simply run a wire hanger over the area that has the static cling. It will stop that problem in an instant. Have Fun!




  1. marie

    Jul 3, 2015 at 12:01 am

    Can this be used in the New washing machine that needs special detergents and softners?

    • John Landau

      Jul 3, 2015 at 1:51 pm

      I think the idea of using ‘special’ detergents and softeners is a marketing gimmick. As the article states, just put this softener directly in the tub with the clothes or try it on your rinse cycle. Use high quality organic essential oils to make sure you are not adding in more synthetic chemicals to your laundry. For those who must have their clothes smelling good, this is a great idea, but personally, I don’t want my clothes smelling like anything. Too many people suffering from respiratory illnesses and we have to be considerate of others in public. We don’t use fabric softener and our clothes are soft, never clingy. Commercial fabric softeners actually ruin clothes faster because they break down the fibers in the material.